Monday, September 2, 2019

Why Aren’t You Happy?

I wrote a long time ago the number one marriage killer was unmet expectations. Post is here 

So I came across this Tedx Talk that explains why we are living in a growing society of more and more unhappy people. Can you guess why?

It basically states how our expectations aren’t aligned with our reality. Hence why my previous post makes sense. See we have this vision in our head how things should be verse the reality of how they really are. The expectation gap puts a lot of pressure on us. Causes stress. Failed marriages and relationships. Increases depression and anxiety. 

The “ I should have or be something I am not currently at in life”

Simplicity is key. But we don’t function or live in a society that portrays that. 

This talk also talks about how one person’s pleasure is another person’s pain. I wrote about it in my post about dealing with rejection here 

Please keep in mind your life can change when you change the way you think. When I wrote about unmet expectations in 2017 I was just going through the process of divorce. It wasn’t an easy road but I have come a long way since and happiness has been a main goal. Then my rejection post was this summer after a situation with someone I was seeing. I can’t believe how much my mindset has changed sense then. 

Those two situations very different yet similar in a  small way taught me to focus on me. My mindset to be happy. To let that pain and hurt go. To change my views on relationships and what I needed and deserved. I swear I am a better person now because of those pains and experiences. Just like every pain and experience I have ever had in life. 

Keep life simple. Love yourself. Find happiness in the smallest. Purest forms. Don’t compete with anyone. Don’t compete for love or respect. Respect and love yourself. Appreciate where you are at in your life. Look around and be thankful for it all. I swear to do everyday. 

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