Sunday, October 6, 2019

Are You A Mom? Girls Night!

Have you ever been asked this? In a club or bar. It happens every time I go out with this one friend. The funny thing is she’s a teacher not a Mom. But it’s hysterical that we get asked. Last time it was college kids when we were out with mutual friends we dated. This time it was another group of moms who wanted to dance with us. I must admit it gave us a good laugh.

Our whole day wasn’t planned. Want to grab breakfast sure. Then at breakfast we decided on dinner. Then at dinner we decided on what town to spend our night in. Nothing planned just go with it. Before you know it we are partying in White Plains with other “moms”. 

It was awesome. Spontaneous fun. We met people. We laughed so much our makeup ran down the side of our face. We felt rejuvenated. Like we were 21 again. 

We had so much fun we went out to breakfast again before heading home. 

Life is not meant to be planned always. Yes save money. Don’t have debt. But spontaneous, hey you around let’s go do this, type of fun has been my life lately and I think it’s actually keeping me young!

Today’s this morning “are you around” texts was awesome and I love it. Life is suppose to be adventurous. The little moments make it worth while. We caught up and laughed some more. 

I share my stories to help you understand something about life. Heartache and pain happens but then god brings people into your life to help you feel reborn again. Those people need you and you need them 
Love them. Have fun. Cherish them. Enjoy the times you have together. We will be smiling all week from
The night together. Trust those who come into your life. They are medicine for your soul. 

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