Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Can You Be Too Happy?

I was talking to a friend who always say I was too happy. My friend mentioned a disadvantage of being too happy. Like it’s not real. Not authentic. I never thought it was a thing. I mean we go through stages of life of being happy, unhappy, depressed, sad etc. I think we set goals and happiness comes along once we meet those goals. So then it changes right?! As you grow. You change what makes you happy. Now to me happiness is being content. When life is simple. When you can see beauty in little things verse big, major things. 

We all have had bad times in our life so now we can appreciate the little things. Being happy is a big goal. Pain still carries in our hearts but how amazing when we can see beauty in little things. When people around us bring out the best of us and we love life. Fully. Happiness. Pure joy. 

So what’s this being too happy about. I had to look it up and found an article. 

So maybe being too happy to some may seem bad. I won’t lie. I have my good and bad days. I can snap and just like everyone else need my alone time but I also realized that my happiness changes based on my audience. When I can be my true self. Without being on guard. I am 100% a ray of sunshine. Happy. Bright. When I am on guard. Overwhelmed or need to watch what I say or do I am not. 

I think most of us can relate to that. Bottom line your happiness varies based on what makes you happy in life. Simple things make me happy. Good company. Good conversation. Me being real. 

What makes you happy?

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