Saturday, October 5, 2019

Fall Fun Finds at Trader Joe’s

I love Trader Joe’s. They always have awesome fun treats. I also love how they always have themes. How appropriate are these for Fall. 

My favorite flower are the Gerber Daisy’s. I was so excited to find them at Trader Joe’s for $9.99. I was look at the flowers and smiling with excitement. I put this boutique in my carriage and a lady walks by and says “you picked a beautiful bouquet”. I said “thank you they are my favorite flower and I love how long Trader Joe’s flowers last verse regular stores.” She agreed and went on to tell me how they last two weeks verse 3-4 other places. Yep and for an amazing price.

I smiled for the rest of my shopping time. Because it’s the little things that cause happiness. Like finding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. 

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