Friday, October 4, 2019

Follow How You Feel...The Universe Doesn’t Lie

My mood started to change. I had to defend myself and I finally said. No you don’t. You need to not respond. Not react. Keep the peace yet detach. 

You don’t understand. Your only power is YOU. Who you let in and who you don’t. 

I had a couple situations happen yesterday with different people. One taught me this: some people like confrontation and I have no room for it. The second taught me: people need to be responsible for the information they process. Look at the facts not between the lines. 

As much as I try I realize my energy flow doesn’t need certain situations in my life. A girlfriend reached out. She’s like I know your patterns. You learned now let it go. 

We fight so hard for a happy good life. Don’t waste your time and energy on energy that conflicts with yours.  

Put things to rest and don’t feed more energy into it. 

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