Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Is Your Glass Half Full it Half Empty

Have you ever been super excited about something and then plans change? Like out of the blue and then spontaneous situations occur. 

That’s my life. 

Not always. But a lot of the times. So the other day a situation occurred where I had made plans a week prior and then things changed mid day. Out of no where. I won’t lie. I was super annoyed and bummed out just because I was really excited about it. 

Let’s back track. Earlier in the day I got asked to stay at a hotel for free since I booked a client retreat there and the lady wanted to meet me so she offered a comp room for me to visit. I then had girlfriends ask to hang out. Another friend asked to hang out. But my focus was on my plans being cancelled. Then my mom offered to cover for me so I could go to an appointment. A lady bug flew in my car. Now picture this. Was my day good or bad?

One may say you were disappointed that your plans got canceled. Plans you were looking forward to. Another would say you got a free hotel room, girlfriends want to come to dinner, you visited a friend, your mom helped so you could make an appointment and not be late, a lady bug flew in your car. 

Um yeah my day was awesome. 

Just because one thing goes wrong doesn’t mean you lose the sight of all that went right. That’s my hope for you all. My hope is you too look at your glass being half full not half empty. I had 5 amazing things happen and 1 disappointed one. Who wins my attention? The 5 all the way!!!

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