Friday, October 11, 2019

Let’s Go For A Walk

You look great. Everyone keeps saying that to me and to be honest not sure why. Then it hit me. Ever since I started walking an hour almost everyday I changed.  

My bones don’t ache. My skin is brighter. My body is firmer. My face is thinner. My hair looks amazing. I was giving happiness the reason to this but am starting to realize that one hour a day is responsible for all this positive change. 

Now let’s be honest you can stroll or walk. I sweat. I have to change after and shower. Fast paced. Light jog. You have to get your heart rate up. I have been taking advantage of this Fall weather and walking almost everyday with my Mom. Once winter hits it will be time to move this workout to gym. 

Check out the benefits. 

Top 5 Benefits and Fun Ways of Walking for an Hour

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