Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Live in the Now

Sometimes it’s all in your head. Really it is. Sometimes we think about situations and it triggers an emotion in us. What if we lived in real time. The present moment. We would have so much less to be sad or worry or mad about. We wouldn’t stress like we do. Let’s try it. Let’s forget the past. Forget past hurt and pain and anger. Live at this current, present, moment. 

Let go of what should have been or could have been or would have been. That life is gone. Anything this year that let go of you means time for you to let go of them. Any love you have for someone who didn’t reciprocate it to you doesn’t deserve to be lingering in your mind. 

Stop. Let it all go. Now live in the present moment. Focus on what’s around you NOW. Who is around you. What you need now. Not then. Not the past. Not the future. Now. 

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