Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Mom Guilt...It’s Normal & Ok

We all go through it. The battle of what we could be or should be. No one gets it right. There’s always going to be someone who says you’re doing it wrong. There’s always going to be someone who criticizes it makes you feel worse and you know what don’t listen to them. 

End of day Mom Guilt is real. It’s ok. To be home all the time or traveling for work or knowing when you’re not there they miss you. It’s hard. 

When I am with them I am Mom. Legit mom. When I am not with them I can be me. I would always drop whatever for what they need. No matter how good others care for them Moms all know no one can care for them like we do. We put them first. We rearrange our life for them. We plan it all. We prepare for it all. It’s how it should be. But we always say we can do more or be more. 

For now just know you’re doing your best. 💗

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