Friday, October 18, 2019

No...I Thank You

There’s something to be said when you thank someone and they turn around and say thank you to YOU. 

It was one of those days. Where my client and his team sent me an awesome basket saying thank you for my great work this week. For my organization and catering to their clients. 

I thanked their clients for coming and their clients turned around and thanked me for all my hard work. 

When was the last time you thanked someone. Doesn’t have to be with a tangible item. Just a call or text or email or note. Saying I appreciate all you do. 

There is endless data that shows employees who are appreciated perform better. I have had this client for 10 years. We are like family. I will do work for him around the clock because if I ever needed anything he would do the same. 

I hope to stay with his company until he retires. It’s about building, establishing and maintaining work relationships. We are human we make mistakes. It’s ok. But be sure to thank someone. It doesn’t go unnoticed. 

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