Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Self-Care Is So Important

What are you doing daily for your own well being? 

It’s so important to make ourselves a priority. I was talking with a girlfriend and I told her new rule at 9:00 every night she needs to have “me time” for herself. She’s off the clock. She’s off taking care of her mom. She is focusing on decompressing. 

I have another friend. He works a lot. All day and nights. I finally asked him when do you have “me time”. He said right before bed. I said that’s crazy and not enough. Do something so you decompress. Sleep isn’t the only thing.  

I love my kids but the rule is bed before 9:00. After 9:00 I am useless to them. I just need to decompress before my own bedtime. 

We all need it. It’s healthy. It helps us function better. It makes us happier. Please do the same for yourself.  

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