Saturday, October 19, 2019

Slow Down...Process Things Around you

You don’t understand how your actions, your words, and your gestures affect those around you.

When your brain is at rest you tend to have a clear mind. To be able to process things. You smile at other people. You open a window of trust for others to confide in you. Your heart wants to fill it with love and give love. You want to help people without expecting anything in return. 

When you’re in chaos or have noise around you it isn’t possible to have a clear mind. Something important may pass you by because your mind is so fixated on the hurt pain chaos. It’s not processing or even has room to process anything else. You may be snappy or not able to be there for others or kind to others not intentionally just because you don’t have the brain power to take on more.  

It’s happened. It’s happened to me. Chaos didn’t allow me to help others or let them in. Once my brain became calm I had the opportunity to let people in or be helpful to others and be useful. 

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