Friday, October 18, 2019

Teamwork...It’s A lot More Than You Think

My SuperShuttle driver in Anaheim was awesome. Such a nice guy. Retired and now does the shuttle driving. Our car was full of fascinating people. A woman who lived in Alaska. A dad and his son visiting Disney who live in Australia and lived in New Zealand and then another guy who said “I was born in an area of Florida I bet you never been to” ironically I have when I was 12 with my best friend who has family in Vero Beach- a retirement community low key area of Florida. He was on his way to the New Orleans food and jazz festival. I was beyond jealous. 

And then there’s me. I had a great work trip. Successful first solo trip and we pull up to LAX. The alerts start to come in of my flight delay. 

I take advantage of the first one and find a cool rock and roll restaurant. Have a Cobb salad and seltzer and hang watching the news and listening to some of my childhood favorites. 

I walk around and start getting more alerts 2:00. 4:00. I get to the gate and a flood of angry people are asking what’s happening. I keep my cool and get a flood of texts. 

Friends. Coworkers. Family. My sisters. Even my oldest daughter. All asking if I left. When I am getting back. Is everything ok.It’s a flood of love. Support. Concern. 

Even my driver says don’t worry I am tracking this. We have a late night ahead of us but I will be there when you land. “WE” hit me. We are a team. We got this. 

We all thinking having a team means a spouse or colleagues. It’s not. It’s everyone in your life. It’s the companion/ spouse/family/friends/coworkers all in one. It’s all of them. All that says what do you need. How can I help. 

One of my sisters was getting alerts faster than me. I even had to contact my ex and say I may not make it back in and to see if someone could help with drop off since my daughter had a 7:30 am dr appointment that I was bringing her to. He said no problem keep him posted. 

So all these people in my life concerned. Willing to change their schedule. Be there for me. To help. 

Finally we get a final boarding at 5:30 pst to land at 2:30 am in JFK. Everyone said text me when you land. No it’s middle of night. My family. My friends. My coworker. They insisted to make sure they knew I was in safely. 

I am not special. I am not unique. You have these type of teammates on your side too. It just takes time to realize it. We all have people who love us and care for us and want to make sure we are ok. 

How amazing is that! 

How amazing is your team. Is the “we” people in your life. It’s a lot more than you think. All these people are YOUR people. How lucky are you. How lucky am I. 

Think about that!

Needless to say. I made it home by 4:00 am this morning slept two hours and back at it. 

What an amazing life. What an amazing lesson. It took all these to occur for me to have ah ha moments. 

Grateful. Lucky. Blessed. You and me. 

Process that!

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