Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Notebook...

I watched this tonight. Not my first time. Probably my fourth or fifth. Every time it’s like a fairytale. The truth of love and trials and ups and downs. That of two people are meant to be together they will be. That there will be highs and lows but in the end everyday they choose eachother. 

Who is living a fairytale? I had dinner with a friend last night and I said it’s so sad so many people are feeling “stuck” in a situation. That so many people decide the rest of their life’s have to be a certain way and they have to be ok with it and just deal. 

It doesn’t have to be that way. In life you let go of situations. You move on. You fix yourself so you can be happy and you risk letting people go not knowing if it’s goodbye forever or not. 

We all have our ups and downs. We all have our what ifs but what if I asked you if you’re happy. If you’re in a situation because you want to be or because you’re stuck and have to be. What would your answer be?

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