Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Village Gourmet You Gotta Roll With It

It’s not easy working from home. People tend to think you’re always available and kids always are home when no school. I still have to work but today was different. 

I luckily wasn’t too busy. They come home this morning and I said here are some options for our day. Once we agreed I stuck to it. Work. Snack. Work. Lunch. Work. Halloween Costumes. Work. Dentist. Dinner. Cuddle on couch. Bed time. 

Parenting isn’t easy but can be fun. When you create a routine or schedule it’s easier to juggle it all. Now it’s one day. I get it. Maybe multiple days would be different but life is like this. 

We haven’t been to Village Gourmet in a long time. It was delicious as usually but this time we ordered the chicken satay as an appetizer and it was so good. I am always a fan of their chicken and string beans the girls love their scallion pancakes and dumplings. Also they are the only people I know who order lomein without any vegetables. But whatever it takes to make them happy. 

It was a great night. 

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