Sunday, October 20, 2019

What Would Happen If A Kiwi & Berry Had A Baby?

I was shopping at Trader Joe’s when I heard that. I stopped. There were these little green things on the counter where they hand out samples. 

They looked like little green olives. But they weren’t. They were Kiwi Berries and I have to tell you they are so cute and fun. 

I had to get a package for my girls. My dad loves fruit so I grabbed him one too. Every time
I go to Trader Joe’s I look for something unique to try. They always have something. It’s so fun. I can’t wait for my girls to try these. 

They look like olives. Don’t have a furry shell. You can eat the whole thing. You bite into it and it’s a kiwi inside. Trader Joe’s did it again! 

Have you ever tried a kiwi berry?

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