Thursday, October 17, 2019

Who Is This Girl?

What if I told you I never traveled alone before? 

This year was about me. Not being selfish but about finding. Loving. Changing. Accepting. Motivating. ME. 

To be better. To look within and see my flaws to accept them and to change them. To have more patience. To have a calm enough brain to be able to process things.

To Stop. Think. Process. And then react. Not the other way around.  Which I will admit I have done for a while until I learned. To be able to know that a lot can change. That you don’t have to be what people think you should be. That heartache is real. That you can let go of someone even if you love them. That time does heal. That you are one of a kind. That you shouldn’t change for anyone but yourself!

So yes. It’s true. I never traveled alone. I always traveled with my family, parents, ex husband, kids, sisters, relatives, cousins, best friends or friends. 

But this week I did. I finally traveled alone. And I won’t say I prefer it but I will say it was empowering. I had my own hotel room all week. I took transportations to airport and back alone. 

Sounds silly but a year or two ago I wasn’t the same girl. Two years ago I was a stay at home mom
who worked 3-4 days maybe 12-15 hours a week. I couldn’t survive on that now. I had to change.  I started saying yes more to situations I would avoid. I started to have the “why not just go with it” approach. 

So yes. I traveled alone for work. But I then took myself out to Downtown Disneyland alone. I ate dinner at the bar alone. I couldn’t even use my phone because I had low battery. I sat in silence and rested my brain from the week I had. Entertaining clients. Early breakfast. Dinners. Putting on a happy face. Waking up super early with time change so I can speak to my girls before school. 

I took it all in and I learned something. I learned I needed to slow down. I need to live in the moment. I needed to know I can’t juggle so much at once. I noticed small little errors I made at work and although it wasn’t a big deal to anyone. It was to me. I became hard on myself and said I needed to change. I need to stop multitasking, slow down before making decisions and then go do what needed to be done. Prioritize my life. 

It’s been an amazing week. Exhausting but has taught me a lot. I loved the time with clients and their clients. We smiled all week but I learned a lot about myself too. 

When you rest your brain you get to tap into yourself. You get to see the things you love about yourself and things you need to change for yourself. I learned that even though the last 1-2 years changed me I still had work to do and will always have work to do. I learned we are much stronger than we think. We can accomplish more than we think. 

I can’t wait to see which new adventures unfold. 

When was the last time you tapped into yourself and started to make a change?

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