Friday, October 4, 2019

You Need To Step It Up Girls

I am that Mom. You know the one that preps the night before. Who is oblivious and thinks by doing this we don’t rush in the morning. Ha! Jokes on me. 

Every night I prep. I lay out their clothes for next day. I pack anything non perishable for the snack and lunch. I make sure jackets and hats are out and shoes. I even go to the extend of filling their water bottles up. 

I am all about making things easy and then morning comes. 

I make their breakfast, make their beds even wash their face- I go up to them with a warm wash cloth and wipe their face! Can you imagine. I feel dumb even writing this. All they have to do is brush their teeth, eat, get dressed and put their lunch boxes in their book bag. You would think this process would be easy and smooth. NOPE.  It doesn’t change. It’s the same every day. No easy ways. Same old. 

I have turned into that Mom. Come on honey eat your breakfast. I walk in the other room they are playing in their pajamas or on electronics or watching TV or literally dragging their butts and not doing anything. NOTHING. 

Yep. Typical morning. 

Now let’s be fair. There’s always that one who is like. Look mom I am dressed, brushed my teeth, ate, packed my food and am ready to go. The golden kid. The shining star. It’s not always the same kid. They actually take turns while the others are like turtles. Taking their time to do anything. Tell the others to stop bragging to mom. It’s pretty amusing. 

So today I was like listen I can’t do more for you than I am doing. This is blowing my mind. I literally do it all. I just will not do more. I mean I can’t spoon feed all of your breakfast. 

So they all apologize like always where I don’t even care. I am like save it. Just change. 

We are walking outside. They are like complimenting me up and down. Mom you’re the best. Mom we promise we will not do this. Yada yada. I open the garage and they are drawing all over my car with their finger and I look up and see the sun shining down on the leaves. Like God hit me in the face and I freeze. 

Girls. I say. Look at the trees. Look at the foliage. My mood immediately shifts. I am at peace. In awe of the beauty. 

Now this story is to teach you something. Actually a couple of things. It’s to teach you that no matter how much you do your kid will totally try to tick you off and you gotta just flow with it. That life can be planned to a point and then just go with it cause preparing doesn’t mean you get the results you want and need. Lastly stop. 

Stop what you’re doing and focus on the beauty of life. The chaos. The rushing. The craziness. Stop. 

Embrace it. Let it enter your mind and body. Let it touch your soul. Let it calm you and bring you peace and happiness. Life isn’t easy. Life is crazy. We rush. We are competing against the clock. Stop. 

Enjoy the view. Enjoy things passing you by. These little moments can make all the bad crazy moments disappear. 

Embrace them!

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