Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Be Patient

I make rash decisions. I tend to be not so patient. I am not good at waiting for things to just work. It wasn’t the first time someone brought it to my attention. My lack of patience. My wanting things to happen and be good now. This second. 

But I had to stop myself today. I had to realize that just because one thing doesn’t work out doesn’t mean 100 other things aren’t working out exactly how they should because they are. They are great and amazing. 

We rush the process. We want fast results so we settle or fail or not do things the way they are suppose to. 

I know this is something I have to work on. Everyday. I have to not be impulsive with decisions. I have to sleep on my feelings. I have to give space to things and most importantly I have to be me. All the way me. Not change to accommodate a person or situation. 

You do the same. 

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