Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Be You!

What if you cut through all the bullsh$t. 

Here’s what I mean. We live our lives trying to be something. To be accepted. Loved. Valued. Honored. Admired. Respected. All that. What if we stopped. What if we loved those who loved us. Honored those who honored us. Valued those who valued us. 

Do you see my pattern here. We don’t do this. We fight to be loved by someone who doesn’t want to love us. We fight to be valued by those who don’t. Meanwhile a ton of people do. A TON. We bypass it. We hurt our hearts and esteem and decrease our value and true self because that one person who can’t value you sucks up all your esteem. I have seen it. I seen it in marriages. I seen it with parents. I seen it at work. Crazy. 

We are trying to please the wrong people all the time. Meanwhile we are being valued and loved and respected by so many people but we are blinded by those who don’t. 

Let that go!

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