Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Breckenridge Colorado....You Stole My Heart

I am literally trapped in a scene of a Hallmark movie. All I need is a handsome man to run up to me with his dog and fall in love with me. But really my heart is so happy I can’t get over it. Breckenridge is absolutely beautiful. 

I setup a hotel for a client’s client and the sales manager asked me to come visit and she gave me a junior suite so we stopped here before heading to Granby for a client annual planning meeting.  

This place is amazing. I am in awe. There’s a huge shopping strip full of shops and restaurants and Christmas lights everywhere. Decorations. Christmas love is all around you. I can’t explain how amazing it is. We drove up and down the strip taking it all in. We walked to a couple of spots and will stop by again tomorrow. 

Loving this Winter Wonderland. 

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