Tuesday, December 31, 2019

It’s About Having Peace

I compromised most of my life. I didn’t want to anymore. I remember getting on the train in NYC and seeing a couple argue. I turned to a girlfriend and said I don’t miss that. 

I got tired of compromising. Obviously I wasn’t with the right people in a relationship to feel like I had to. Relationships are work but to what extent. Shouldn’t it be two people bringing out the best in eachother? That’s it. Choosing to share your life. Not making it difficult or a guessing game. Accepting people for who they are and embracing that person. Not changing them. 

We have a lot to learn. In the meantime I will embrace this peace I have. Until someone else can join me I am good having peace by myself. 

People are just as lonely if not more in the wrong relationship than single. Don’t settle. Ever. Find your person that brings you peace. 

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