Sunday, December 8, 2019

Let’s Go to NYC

I have been wanting to go. See the tree. Check out lights. Holiday markets and bars and just walk around. I did it this past weekend and it was amazing!

My girlfriend is always down to try new places with me. So when I said I want to go to NYC she said let’s go. 

It was the perfect weather for NY. I knew we would have a good day because we started off fulfilling our purpose. See we all have that “being at right place at right time.” Let me explain....As we entered the train and looked for seats I saw a young girl about 14 look worried. As a mom I stopped to watch her. I turn and see the train doors close and her mom is outside running towards the train and misses it. I go up to her and ask if she’s ok. She said they were meeting friends in New York to feed the homeless. I said ok let’s get you a seat and we will help get you to where you had to be. She had her mom’s purse and cell. Her mom called from station phone and said meet her friends and she will come on next train. 

You’re good my friend said. No I am a mom. Just doing what a mom would do.  I knew our good deed meant one awesome day and night for us. 

We started off at an Irish pub that was covered in Christmas lights. Then we met people who told us to go to Union Square Holiday Market where we sampled food and liquor and awesome vendors. After was Rockefeller Center which is a holiday “must stop place.” Loved seeing the tree.   We went to a local restaurant and it was beautiful and festive like a movie scene We then went to Freeman Alley which was amazing. A friend told me to go and we loved it. We found a bar in area that was decked out for Christmas. Awesome Christmas drink specials. We then went to a hidden restaurant that has a pawn shop store front that a friend told me to go to. In the back leads to this amazing restaurant. Was gorgeous. After we checked out more local Bars and holiday decorated pubs before heading home. 

Amazing. Fun. Lots of laughs. A ton of memories made.  

Someone said be careful I said no worries we’re city girls today. 

When was the last time you hopped on a train and went into New York? When was the last time you helped someone? What do you do to get in the holiday spirit?

This is your life. Do what makes your soul and whole being happy!


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