Sunday, December 1, 2019

Let’s Just Drive & Look For Holiday Magic

I went out to dinner with a girlfriend. We both kindof are seeking the same things in life. Yet we are both completely different. We like the simple things. So after dinner I said I really haven’t been in the holiday spirit until recently. Can we just drive around and look for Christmas lights? Her face life up. Of course. She said. 

So we did. We just drove around. We don’t even know where we ended up but gratefully for maps we made our way back home. We stopped and grabbed hot chocolate. Talked about everything and anything. Have Christmas music blasting and took in the creativity around us. 

Really a great night. Sometimes the simple things make the biggest impact. So thank you to everyone who decorated your house. Thank you for bringing some holiday magic into our lives and everyone who drives by your home. Cheers to you for adding some happiness to people who you don’t even know. 

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