Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Sometimes You Gotta Just Let Them Wear The Damn Dress

It was perfect. The delay allowed them to come to my house early this morning. After their Dad dropped them off they saw the dresses I took out for them to try them on. Before you know it I am taking their holiday card pictures and they are dressing up. Holiday music is playing. They are dancing. 

After I say ok girls get your other clothes back on. “No I am wearing this to school my youngest said”. Um no you’re not I said. My oldest goes “I want to too”. You do? I ask all confused. “Yep” she said. 

Fine, why not I say. My middle one said but I have gym I can’t. I said so wear sneakers. 

I am not the same mom I once was. I used to argue no. They will get ruined. They are for Christmas Eve. Now I am like whatever wear your dresses. They looked so cute and happy. What do I care. Why not let them be happy now. We can’t control everything in life. Trust me I know. I learned that this year. Things will be what they will be. 

Pick your battles. Everyday choose if your day will be good or bad. Learn to let things go. Learn to know you can’t force people to do what you want them to do. People will do what they want to do. Let it be. 

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