Saturday, December 28, 2019

There’s Always A Reason

Do you regret meeting me? A friend asked me that. I didn’t know how to respond to him. I swear I almost said yes. Because it caused some unnecessary situations and it wasn’t all great all the time and it hurt much longer then it felt good. It caused me to have some self doubt and I don’t like feeling insecure.  BUT I didn’t. I didn’t say yes because truth is we all meet people for a reason. 

It’s a part of our path and journey. I don’t regret my ex husband because I had three kids with him and at the time he was what I needed. Do I feel I deserve a better situation...absolutely. We all do but have I found anyone yet that can give me that..not at all. 

We change people’s life’s all the time. We also have people come into ours to change ours. 

I definitely feel I have connected within.  I found my path more. I have learned what triggers me. I learned about my insecurities. I had some awesome adventures and experiences. 

I met a friend a year and a half again. I swear I am
always thanking this person for making me feel absolutely amazing always. Like I am just the best thing ever. That’s what he does for me. He provides me a boost of esteem every time I am around him. No drama. No arguments. Just good conversations and easy fun. We both help eachother feel our best. 

Crazy how people in your life play different roles. But you need them to. You need different perspectives so you can grow and change as a person. 

I think this is true for a lot in our life. A lot of people in my life play different roles. Appreciate them for it. Whether the ones who make you feel amazing or the ones who give you self doubt. 

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