Monday, December 2, 2019

We Are Different People Based on Who We Are With

It’s a true statement. We are different people based on the people we are with. It’s ok. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not being fake. It’s adjusting ourselves based on our surroundings. I get it. I do it too. I also see people do it to us. Around us. They change who they are based on who is watching or who is around. 

I do notice I tend to be more around people who I can be myself with. Pure self. Do you even know your true self? I like to believe my true self doesn’t hold back. She doesn’t Judge. She’s carefree and laughs and loves and wants to feel silly and not compete or be judged. I know when I feel I am being judged I have to defend myself and who the hell wants to do that. So I instead distance myself. 

I am more stern and less silly around my kids. There are three. I notice around some close friends I let my guard down and enjoy it a lot. 

I think we all go through these situations. It’s normal. I do think we need to continue to be around those who bring out our good and best true self. 

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