Saturday, December 7, 2019

Who Cares...Just Do It

I had to join a gym. It was time. I missed it. I now love it. I put my hair in a braid. Leggings and a black shirt. Sometimes a hoodie until I sweat to death. I am a hot mess. It’s awesome. 

Today a beautiful girl comes to work out next to me.  Her hair is perfect. Her makeup is professionally done. She’s matching leggings with her sleeveless tank top. 

At first I am like damn I look awful next to this one but then I say who the hell cares. I am suppose to look like a hot mess at the gym. 

Get my point people. Who cares. You’re making an effort to better you. Not impress anyone at all. Impress yourself. 

I left with my hair down to air out my sweaty mess. I am red like a tomato and I felt amazing. Hot mess and all. 

You do the same for yourself.  No one else. 

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