Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Work Through Your Triggers


When you work through your triggers you get to the root of what’s bothering you. You then get to come to terms with it and have peace. 

Triggers are normal. It can bring out jealously or neglect or anger or pain. It can bring out not getting what you want or competition or not feeling as if you’re enough. 

The thing about triggers is if you don’t realize why it’s bringing out that emotion you will repeat that reaction. You won’t heal that pain. 

If you can’t help your triggers release the person or situation who provokes them. Your peace of mind is worth it verse anyone causing you pain or heartache. 

We all have them in us. It’s like someone hitting a nerve. At that moment we use the fight or flight method. Fight with the person or flight the need to remove ourselves from the person or the situation. Try to heal to avoid triggers so you can have peace in your life. There’s nothing better than peace. Happiness. Pure calmness. No one is worth stirring up emotions in you. 

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