Saturday, December 7, 2019

You Need To Grow...Break The Same Cycle

When I saw this it hit me... I have been moving in circles on and off this year. Even though I have made awesome memories. A ton of progress in my life. Check marks off my bucket list. Still in my heart and head there is a disconnect. A same situation. A same outcome. Holding on when you know deep down it’s been the same ride for the last eight months. Same outcome. 

When do we learn? When do we allow repeated messages and words and emotions to stop. When do we say I will break this cycle. I will not move in circles anymore. I can’t grow that way. I must break through old habits, stop repeating  behaviors in order to grow. If you keep doing the same things you will keep getting the same results. People don’t change. People don’t want to change. You have to change. 

Repeat after me:
I must break patterns. No more living my life emotionally in circles. What’s meant for me will
be but if I keep holding on nothing will change. If I don’t change how can I ever fully be or get what I really need. Today I choose to break cycles. No more living by my heart. I will use my brain. I will process and not let emotions change how I feel. I will know life is in my control. I need to love me. I need more and can’t get it living in repeated behaviors. 

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