Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Pecking Order How Is Yours Ranked?

It’s called a pecking order. The level of people in your life that take priority. In my situation my kids would be at the top. Then work and family. Then friends and fun. Then me. 

Which isn’t always right. These order vary per person and situation. This also varies where you are in someone else’s pecking order. Think about the process. Is the top four people/things that are important in your pecking  order the same as the people/things you are in their pecking order?

Where do you place YOURSELF in the pecking order? I almost have to take a step back and rank myself a little higher. Where I focus on creating my own happiness. Put myself higher up on this order. Self love. Self awareness. Rest. Self fulfillment. If you don’t put yourself up on a high ranking you can’t function enough to give enough importance to the other things in your pecking order. 

It’s focusing on what you need. How well you think you have to have self care. It’s not easy to do. No one wants to put anything over their kids or family or work. But as you get older your order may change. It doesn’t mean they are not all important. It means you have to shift to accommodate your self love. 

Are you even in your Pecking order?