Tuesday, March 5, 2019

I Am Sorry You Ate Dinner Alone...

I finally did it. I took myself out to dinner. Alone. I downloaded a book on my phone and ate at the bar. It’s a favorite spot for Monday’s. $6 charity steaks. 

Sorry you ate alone my friend said when he showed up later for drinks. Don’t be sorry I said. I actually enjoyed it. 

I read six chapters of the book. Had a couple of beers. Scoped out the scene and watched some of the game. Yeah I guess I stayed a while but I must say I would
totally do it again!

Being comfortable with who you are should be everyone’s goal in life. 

Are you comfortable with who you really are?

RIP Luke Perry

The bad boy of the 90s. I think Luke Perry was every girl’s dream, every boy’s idol and every parents little nightmare. Rest In Peace pretend boyfriend to all the girls who were teenagers in the 90s!