Tuesday, March 12, 2019

You Can’t Do This Journey Alone

The saying “no one gets it unless they have been through it” is 100% true. My divorce journey would have been awful if I didn’t have people in my life that could relate to me. What I was dealing with. The roller coaster ride alone. Now I tend to lend a helping hand and voice to those going through what I went through. My sister was my helping hand and now I tend to be my friends. No one should do this alone. 

I met with a friend last night going through it. I stopped her and said girl just be happy and don’t second guess why you’re happy. It’s ok to be selfish. It’s ok to say I don’t want the rest of my life to be this way. Regardless of what age you are. 

We need to take more ownership over what we want and need. No one can give it to us. No one can make decisions for you. Another close friend of mine was scared of outcome of her court date. Honey, I said, you make a final agreeement ahead of time and court doesn’t want to make it for you. You go in fully prepared. Agree ahead of time. Court isn’t scary. It just finalizes it. 

These little tips take the pressure off your fears. Change is hard. Change is fearful. It’s ok to have fear just don’t face them alone. No one goes into a marriage thinking it will end one day. But people change along the process. Feelings change. Unmet expectations happen. Staying in a bad situation isn’t the solution. Building courage to fight for your happiness is the most courageous thing you can do. 

Just Go With It...

You become a little on guard. Not sure what you’re really doing. But you are having fun along the way so you’re fighting with two demons...the thinking too far ahead and the just enjoy it while you can. 

No one can predict what the future holds so you have to just keep reminding yourself to enjoy the moment. Enjoy the adventure. If it makes you happy then keeping doing it. Once it doesn’t that’s when you end it.