Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Second Time Around

I got married really young. I felt I had my happily ever after and then things changed. We grew up. Real life started to happen. We both changed. Things went downhill and lust turned into anger and so on. 

At this stage of being an adult things are different the second time around. Even though you look for certain qualities in a possible companion you also have a less “lust” approach and more of a realistic one.

 Most of the time there’s other children we have from previous relationships. There’s the ex’s that still play a role in their life. It’s like a tangled web. You may not necessarily want more kids or marriage again but you do want a companion who respects you and gives you what you deserve. You may have trust issues or avoid certain patterns that remind you of your previous relationships. You may have a couple failed experiences because you will tolerate less this time around. Regardless it’s not an easy journey but can be a lot of fun especially if you found someone worth trying it out with. I found this article pretty interesting. 

How Men Feel About Falling In Love The Second Time Around (According To Reddit)