Reprogram Your Mind

I started to realize I was repeating some behavior from my past. How I reacted to situations. When I wasn’t being heard or triggered I would respond like I have done in the past with my previous relationship. The old brain didn’t cause good results so why would I assume they will cause good ones now? I had to reprogram myself to stop myself and say no that’s not how you want to react. When I became defensive I would be mean and I by all means I don’t want to be a mean person. I want a flow of happiness and peace. Yet, I reacted like my old self/ old brain. 

 They always say don’t bring the same fears, beliefs, habits of old relationships into a new one. Each situation is unique yet I started to repeat patterns. So I decided today to put it to an end. No more old habits, defensive ways. Every person and situation is new. A clean slate. It’s time to reprogram yourself to create the life you do want and who you really want to be 

I saw this article that was helpful. 

It’s Your Choice

Everyday you have a choice of how you want your day to be. You have to remember that.