Happy Palm Sunday

I love Palm Sunday. When I was younger we would go to church, stop by my great aunts and then all be together at my grandparents. Now every year I bring a Palm cross to the cemetery for my grandparents. My children asked me why I do it and I said because Palm Sunday always reminded me of them so since they passed I make it a tradition to bring them palms. 

Now we all gather at my aunts house to celebrate Palm Sunday. There’s something about getting together as a family. I am always grateful for them. They are really amazing and the love and laughs make every time we get together special. Cousins feel more like brothers and sisters. The love our aunts and uncles have for eachother is remarkable. They have always been great role models to what a marriage should be like. They treat my children like there own. 

Families should always make an effort to love one another. To be close and guide eachother. They have taught me a lot. Always are making sure I am happy and cared for. They always are a phone call away if I ever needed them. That’s real love and special.