Never Settle...Ever!

Life is meant to be an adventure. The good and bad both teach us a lot. Never settle. 

I have 3 more big trips for this year. Where you see different parts of the USA. Where you see how others live. I started to realize seeing the sunrise would make me smile. The smell of different air. The desire to explore and try new things. It’s been amazing for my soul. My journey. My path. My growth. 

Whoever stays aboard can experience it with me. Whoever leaves thank you for the memories. Whoever wants to join me be prepared for an amazing journey. 

Build People Up

This applies to independent men too. In every relationship you have if you aren’t building eachother up. If you don’t compliment their growth efforts. If you don’t want the best for one another then it’s time to move on. Always walk beside eachother and make eachother the best versions of yourself. Never depend on anyone. Male or female. Just be with someone because it makes your heart happy. 

Decide What You Want and You Shall Receive

Focus on what you really want. Picture it, be grateful for it and you will receive it.  Let go of road blocks!

Support Red Nose Day May 23rd

Red Nose Day is about rasing money and awareness to end children poverty.