Bonding...The Little Things Matter

Mom be sure to wake me up at 6:00. It’s a new trend we started. My daughter and I started working out together outside. Sometimes we chat. Sometimes we jog. Sometimes we get lost in our own headset and music. But whatever it is we are taking some time to do something together. Effortless. Healthy. Good for our body and mind and our relationship. 

Being away a week for work we had some stuff to catch up on. So this morning we spoke most of the workout. It’s important to build these connections with our children. Even if it is something simple like taking a walk together the mornings I have her. 

What bonding efforts do you make with your children?

Happiness Isn’t Attached To A Person

Your happiness should never be dependent or tied solely to a person or thing. Happiness is the power of finding happiness in your goals, surroundings and from all the love and support you have in your life. Those are your dictators in life. Not a person or thing.