The Funniest Comic in CT Tonight Westport CT

Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.” Lord Byron

Tonight in Westport at the Treehouse Comedy Club. 
Featuring 15 Comedians. This looks so fun! This is the first round of the contest. Learn more here:

Quality Time...Real Time...Little Feel Good Times

This was my fortune the other day. It made me laugh. It’s so true. I was never about materialistic stuff, ever! I cared about the little things. Spending time together. My favorite thing last summer was to pack a cooler and spend all afternoon and night hanging on a beach. Just listening to the waves and chatting. Laughing. Taking in the fresh sea air. Excited to do it all again this summer. So simple yet good for the soul. 

It’s the little things that stick with us.  Little messages that make a person smile. Taking time to do something for someone. Spending time together even if it’s picking up fun apps and hanging on a porch chatting all night. 

I once had a friend bring me a single rose because they knew I liked watching the bachelor. I had another friend who always has my favorite drink waiting for me whenever I would arrive at their house on ice with a straw. Another a Charcuterie Board for me with fig jam perfect for a night in. 

Little. Simple. Stay in my heart forever. Gestures. 

Whatever little gestures make your heart appreciate it, do the same to others too, and always make it clear to others what makes your heart happy. ❤️

Happy Birthday To My Pop

To the one man I know will always be there for matter what. 

There’s something that Fathers of girls have to remember... you set the tone to what we will accept and tolerate in another man. My pop was always a strong worker, put my mom and us kids first and always was there for us know matter what. He always was the king in the house so being good to us came easy. 

Whenever times get tough he asks “What do you need me to do? Are you ok? Are you happy?”

Those famous three questions...I am grateful everyday for his love and support.