Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Are You Happy?

A friend asked me.  I usually say yes but this time I said no. Let me explain. 

As humans we tend to focus on the negatives in our life verse the positives. Right?! Yes I am right. So honestly am I happy with my life...90% yes. There’s 10% missing and that 10% actually made me say no. 

Crazy right! 
So why say no? Because it’s ok to not always make it seem like life is perfect and great. We all know we can’t have perfect lives. That’s not real at all. We all have some pain and void. We all want to make our lives better. 

If that 10% was filled would I be the happiest person in the world. Probably not. Let me explain.

Life everyday is a challenge. We wake up and go to bed. In between we are faced with noise, problems, emotions, things that trigger us. I, You, anyone. Can’t possibly ever be 100% happy. 

My life is 90% happy. That’s huge! Yet that 10% occupies a big part of my brain. A void. But I can say that I won’t allow that 10% to take the best of me. I can say I will do anything in my power to be as close to 100% happy as possible so next time someone asks you if you’re happy it’s ok to tell them how ever you’re feeling in that moment. 

Love More Than Ever

I love seeing this around town. ❤️

Apple & Honey Detox Blend

Apple & Honey DIY Colon Detox Remedy


A cup of water, filtered 

A tbsp of organic honey

A tbsp of chia seeds

A tbsp of flaxseed

One apple, peeled and sliced

Blend together and drink.

Bugy’s Dueling Pianos Friday Night

“Bugys’s Dueling piano bar is a Speakeasy-style lounge with an amazing Roaring 20’s decor focused on great ambiance, classic cocktails, finger foods and Great shows from our musicians/entertainers.”

I have been wanting to go here for months and finally said to a girlfriend let’s go this weekend. Excited to check it out. Slowly checking off places on my bucket list. What places have you been wanting to checkout?

Why Are You Really Upset? What Triggered You?

It happens a lot. A lot of people experience anger or frustration because at the moment something triggered something in them. Maybe something from the past or pain they feel or felt. Something that made us feel helpless or weak. So we lash out or become defensive. We may argue or take out our frustrations out on someone. We may grow silent. Numb. Ignore the reality that our current mindset isn’t upset with the present but something that reopened a wound from the past. 

It’s normal but not always ok. It’s ok if you realize I was triggered. It’s not ok when you can’t find the connection and correct it. 

It happened to me.  A song triggered pain.  A song. Then a conversation.  I got upset and then had to refocus. Obviously I haven’t heal for a simple song or a conversation with an old friend to cause such a reaction in me. But acknowledging it is progress and growth. 

I can go on about what I felt but reality when you feel pain you give emotion or situation that gave you pain control. Don’t allow that. Don’t allow anyone to have control over you or your emotions. Don’t show a side of yourself that you don’t even know or like. 

Be responsible for yourself and your own healing. 

Happiness Is An Everyday Choice

Daily reminder. You have to overlook everything you have been through and keep saying “I want to be happy and that’s my only goal.”