Enjoy Your Own Company!

Yeah at times it can be lonely but it also gives you a chance to focus on yourself. Focus on your happiness. Be selfish in a way. See some people stay in situations to make other people happy. Eventually you suffer. No need to suffer in this lifetime. Deep down when you’re happy everyone else can be happy around you. 

Sorry...Not Sorry!

Raising girls today verse the past is completely different. What past generations of woman have been taught as having limitations of what we can’t do or not handle has completely changed. Gender role no longer is present. We are all capable of the same things. We all should not tolerate anything that doesn’t do us justice, for our mind, body or souls. 

Proud Moments...

Yesterday was filled with graduation after graduation. My oldest and youngest both graduated and it’s funny my pre k graduating actually made me cry verse my oldest. Maybe it’s that sweet innonce that you realize changes in time. Not in a bad way. Just different. The sticky kisses and random hugs change. That they become an individual that still needs you but has an opinion of stuff. Just reallly hit my heart. 

My oldest received an award for High Honors and I must say it made me proud to say that no matter what happens in life. No matter what you go through. Your kids are number one no matter what. Your role is to make sure they are good people. They push themselves to accomplish what they are capable of and being there for them always. 

Congrats to all your children who graduated or moved up to the next grade and level in life. I hope they find success in their journey.