Sunday, June 23, 2019

Choose Happiness Over Loneliness...Always!

My parents took me, my girls and my sister with her family away for the weekend. We did Hersheypark and Sesame place. It was the first vaca being a single mom. Sounds crazy right. I take them out all the time but this time it was hotel rooms and packing and lugging and watching with kids. Two big amusement parks. All in three days. Just with one parent, their mom and let me tell you...

Was it work? Hell yeah. But I knew it would be. Of course my parents were there and my sister and her husband with her daughter BUT I still made it a point to take full charge. I always said stay with me. I was the one who made sure no one was responsible for them but me. 

I looked in the mirror and in pictures and looked younger. Happier. Refreshed. Even on a kid family vacation. Why? Because I am a free to be me. 

See I wasn’t happy and when you’re not happy it shows. I am happy now. I have  complete control of my own life. My own path. I won’t settle. Never ever. I will never ever sacrifice happiness again verse fear of being alone and lonely. I will never go through life numb or without emotions. I will never not take a moment and appreciate everything because that isn’t how you’re suppose to live! I did while married. I did in relationships after my divorce. Guess what, no more. If I don’t feel I am being my true self 💯 then I am ok with being alone. Me. Myself. And I. My kids. My life. It’s not the same when you’re really not living or just settling!

Are you living? Are you settling? 

The Hotel Hershey: A Must See

This place is a MUST see when you visit Hershey. You don’t have to stay at the hotel to enjoy the scenery or amazing restaurants. It’s gorgeous inside and out. The gardens and grounds are so manicured. You can see the skyline of Hersheypark at the top of the hotel. There are four restaurants. A terrace with music. It’s just amazing. You feel like you’re in a Mansion. 

It was beautiful.  The staff is incredible. I had the lobster bisque then short ribs and a peanut butter cake for dessert. They give you salted caramel with your check. This caramel is so rich yet amazing. You have to split one square with someone.


I am telling you it’s a must to visit when coming to Hershey. Everyone raved about it. I gained some major bragging points for suggesting we go for dinner. Last time I came with my kids and their dad couple years ago we ate at the Tavern. 

Dating in 2019...The Right One!

When you find the right one you’ll know because it won’t be complicated or have drama attached. It won’t cause more hurt than joy. It will be simple yet exciting. Natural, not forced. Being you will be more than enough! Wait for the right one!