Monday, June 24, 2019

Is The Past An Excuse?

“See you may be happy with certain things but not completely so you linger on the past because of that”

It was the most brilliant thing he ever said to me, besides the one time he suggested I tell someone to fk off until they got their life together. He’s a friend and always gives great advice. He’s very intuitive and actually knows a lot about life. When he speaks it’s like an awakening for me. I always value man friendships. Every woman really needs a guy in her life to help see things in a different perspective. 

We tend to hold on to the past and harp on it to avoid the present. Let me explain. If you’re not happy in your current situation we mentally look for distractions. Things to adjust our focus on what’s happening in our life. Like detours. Instead of facing it we harp on something else. Try not doing that. Try focusing on your current situation and mood/ feelings towards it. Whatever you are facing today that makes you unhappy you must fix. Me included. I write to give you advice and for me to take my own advice. 
See how that works. 

Don’t harp on what has already passed. Fix what’s infront of you. What’s in the present. Stop looking at other things that make you unhappy when reality is your unhappiness is right in front of you all along!

Don’t Let Someone Control Your Emotions

This is hard to do yet extremely important. A lot of times my mood shifted based on the actions of someone else. My goal lately is let me be my true self not a reflection of someone else. So if things don’t go as you like or planned based on what someone else does then learn to let it be. Don’t let it get the best of you. You can only control what you do.