Thursday, June 27, 2019

Find Peace...

I sleep with a big Buddha near my bed. It’s super cute and happy and calming. There’s this need for peace. Need to clear bad energy. I don’t like chaos. I don’t function well with instability. I like calmness, fun, make me feel good and at peace situations. I like situations I can be me. 

When you aren’t aligned with your core values or your soul for that matter you aren’t at peace. Peace is an everyday practice. Need. We really should strive for more of it. It helps relax you and guide you. Like meditating. Clear you mind. Body and soul. I came across this article and felt their tips were helpful. 

“Life is as simple or complicated as we make it.” Donna Smallin

Cherry Picking In Pennsylvania

“I want to go cherry picking” my dad said one day. That’s how it all started. I googled places and it was in New York then it hit me we could do it in Pennsylvania while we were away. I found a farm and when we got there they said they had Sour Cherries available for picking. What? I didn’t even know about these types of cherries.  Well they are super sour but perfect for baking. It isn’t easy to pick cherries because they are in trees. So we are shaking branches and putting my middle one on our shoulders. The farm was beautiful and the experience was a lot of fun 

Tonight my mom has everyone over for dinner and she made a pie with the cherries we picked and it was delicious. 

Of course being silly I played this song while we ate dessert. 

It’s Ok To Evolve

You’re never the same person you were 10 years ago or even 6 months ago. You’re always changing and growing. Keep going!

Spiritual Humor...That Would Explain It

Some times you can blame it on the retrograde, some times on the planets but other times it’s how people treat you or trigger an emotion in you. Not everyone is out to hurt you but sometimes taking a break from
 them helps you readjust and reflect. 

Cleanse Your Soul...

We are all spiritual and intuitive. It’s when noise around us clogs our energy we can’t connect with our true self. Clear away old energy. Energy that no longer serves your purpose or makes you feel yourself. It’s ok to put things to rest.

You Gotta Let Some People Go...

And that is ok! Wish them well and be on your way. 

Start Your Day Smiling!

I saw this and signed up for it. It’s fun, feel good news that is emailed to you every morning. With great stories and quotes. It really helps you start your day with a smile.