Thursday, July 4, 2019

Let’s Take A Walk, Smell, Hear, Feel...

I started doing after dinner walks with my girls. “Let’s go for a walk I say” they run to the front door ready to go. 

On the walk I ask them to listen. Tell me what you hear. The birds. Wind. Someone cutting the grass. All these heighten your senses. 

Now Look. What do you see. There’s something about the deep green grass. Trees. Flowers in bloom.  

Now Smell...what’s the smell. You can smell the grass in the air and the best is the sweetness of honey suckles. There’s always one spot on our walk we can smell them and it’s so sweet. 

Feel. What do you feel. Sometimes it’s the warmth of the sun. Sometimes there’s a warm breeze. 

Let me tell you these little senses we focus on really gives an appreciation to nature. It also helps us calm and wind down before bedtime. 

Sometimes we play music. Sometimes after we do a dance party outside. Sometimes they jog or walk. But it’s always a great little exercise we do. To connect ourselves with something else. To become intune with our surroundings and senses. 

Fun 4th of July Facts

Happy 4th of July!! I hope you’re enjoying the holiday with family, friends, food & fireworks. 

Did you know 150 million hotdogs are consumed on 4th of July!  Enjoy more fun facts below. 

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