Saturday, July 13, 2019

Safe Place & Yet So Much Fun

Relationship goals! Someone you trust. Who has your back yet will take spontaneous trips with you. Push you beyond what you think you’re capable of accomplishing. Have you found this in your partner? If not keep looking!


Trust The Process

Anything is possible. You just have to believe. 💗

Good Morning...How Did You Wake Up Today?

At least 4x a week now I wake up and go outside to work out. This morning I did that. Then I swam. Alone. Quiet. My music playing in background. I let the warmth of the sun hit my skin. The sound of the birds in the background. No I can’t always have mornings like this. But it’s mornings like this that make it so magical. To appreciate the little things. To enjoy your own company and surroundings. 

How did you wake up today?

What Are You Accepting?

No it’s not always passion or carefree life. It’s a reality. That everything in life comes with a price to pay an up and down. A good and bad. But the difference is having the person by our side who we want to have these experiences with. Who makes them all worth taking. Who makes them easier for us. Less painful more exciting. You need to find that person. Who you say I don’t care if we have bumps in our life having it with you makes it easier for me. I wouldn’t want face it with anyone else. 

It takes a lot to make someone walk away. Sometimes it takes nothing. Sometimes it’s saying to yourself do I want my next 30-40 yrs of my life to be this way. Sometimes it’s saying I can’t settle anymore. Sometimes it’s saying I am no longer in love with you and sorry but we have to part ways. 

We accept things that some people may never understand and I get it but why? 

Being divorced you see life differently. It’s like being reborn again. You see people who settle. You see people who have that spark within them when they are together. You see marriages that give other marriages a bad rap. You see things you want and don’t want because you get another chance at it. You see couples who make you desire to have the same type of relationship. Holding hands. Smiling. Just being one together. Passionate. It’s a beautiful thing. 

If what you accept is settling then please do a service to yourself and change it. If what you accept makes your heart and soul happy then continue to do so. Be grateful for it and know you set the example because it’s really how life should be lived. You don’t get one path or one journey. You get the one you are willing to accept. 

What’s Your Beer Personality?

What’s your beer personality? I think I am a Pilsner. I am definitely direct and at times too impulsive which can backfire at times but I love to explore so I am not sure about this. Also no I didn’t read the whole thing I just took a picture of it and walked away. 

Happy Saturday!

Wake up and go to bed grateful. Grateful for what you have. Grateful for what hasn’t worked out for you. Grateful for moments that you didn’t think you can handle that you did. Just be overly grateful for it all. Cheers to the weekend 💗