Happy 45th Anniversary

Love is...I remember being a little girl and watching my Dad walk in the house. My mom was cooking. He would blast his favorite Italian song grab her with her wooden spoon in her hand from making dinner and dance with her. She would laugh and tell him to stop but he wouldn’t. It was cute and romantic and playful.

I won’t say their marriage is perfect. Perfect doesn’t exist but they did show me how love should be and well it’s given me hope that one day I too can have that type of love. That soulful love. Where your heart stops and yet you two live a real life together. Tackle real problems. Be a real team. 

Cheers to 45 years. Cheers to knowing true real love is possible as long as you’re with the one who brings out the best in you. As long as you're a team. Are each other’s best friend. Laugh together. Make eachother feel good. Everyday it is work yet fun. You respect and trust eachother. Always. ❤️

Look At What You Gained...

Every loss teaches you something. I spoke to a friend the other day who really is a great person....no love connection just a friend. He is coming up next week and wants to do dinner. We are getting a group together and when I think about this group it hit me. This group was built on my new experience in life. New path.  New journey. New friendships. New relationships. Made past friendships stronger.  Created new friendships. Before I know it we have six people coming for dinner who didn’t even know eachother until this last couple of months. 

Last night I am driving to meet friends and all of a sudden I am smiling My life is pretty damn good. All this time I am dwelling on this year’s heartache and it hit me that if I didn’t go through that I wouldn’t be where I am at today. I wouldn’t be meeting people I have met. I wouldn’t be doing what I am doing. I wouldn’t be experiencing life the way I am. 

And it’s really a lesson to you all. If you didn’t go through heartache or hardship you wouldn’t be as happy as you are now. If you’re going through it now trust me you’re better off at the end. You will learn from it. You will know where you belong. 

I am living the life I choose to live. For a while I missed people who weren’t in it anymore. But it opened my eyes to those who are and the new ones I met and will continue to meet along the way. How amazing is that! How lucky am I and you to have these experiences bring new people into your life. Show you how much the ones who are in it love and care for you. 

Those who left...you have to look at the win and let them go. Let them do the work to come back in. You are no longer responsible for that. 

Are You Dreaming Of Me...

Can’t sleep? Up through the night? Maybe someone else is keeping you awake..in their dreams. But really who else is up right now?

I was telling a friend how I couldn’t sleep. You have to rest the mind inorder to sleep he said. The crazy thing is I have more energy then I have in a long time. I am at peace. My mind is relaxed. I just don’t want to sleep. I can function on 5 hours. Which isn’t ok. It’s not enough but this last two weeks I wake up through the night full of energy. So I write or lay in bed counting how many hours I got of sleep. I won’t start the day before 5:30 am. I mean would you? But here’s a real reason why I may be waking up in the middle of the night.  

Exactly Why You Keep Waking up in the Middle of the Night, According to Doctors

Your Story Will Help Others!

I can’t say this enough...you, me, everyone we meet has something to learn and something to teach. Set backs and down falls gives us knowledge that we can then share with someone else and help them get through what we went through. 

It teaches us to have compassion.