Saturday, July 27, 2019

Could He Handle A Free Spirit?

Not everyone can handle a free spirit and that is ok. Doesn’t mean you need to change. 

I Scream You Scream We All Scream For...

Four Seas ice cream is a must when visiting the Cape. There are times we would come here every night. The greatest thing about this place is that we have been coming here for 20 years and it’s still amazing. Same flavors. Consistent. Oh so worth every calorie and cheat meal moment. 

I am not a simple ice cream eater. I like it done up. Toppings, different flavors and textures. I never get one flavor plain.  I mix them to add toppings. The most simple I get is vanilla ice cream with mini marshmallows. 

My usual go to is: black raspberry ice cream with hot fudge and peanut butter sauce. This combo is amazing. I have been eating this sundae since I was a child. 

It’s crazy how ice cream brings out the kid in us. How visiting places bring back great memories. How the little things in life can make you happy. 

If you’re in the area you have to go here. We even bring back ice cream every year. Peach is always then number one requested flavor. 

How To Eat A Lobster...But did you know...

I must say dinner last night was full of laughs. I grew up eating lobster. Even my daughters eat lobster. I did have a cousin who feared lobsters so much that he would run and hide whenever my mom made them.
But I have been eating them for as long as I could remember. Steamed. In an amazing tomato sauce that my mom makes. Grilled. Chilled. You name it. I am always wary about ordering them out at restaurants while because I don’t always like how places clean them. I can’t see any green or it grossed me out. So normally I just eat it at home whole. 

Luckily we know how to eat a whole lobster. So last night one of our girlfriends decided to order a whole one for the first time. She’s had parts of it. Lobster rolls etc...but never the whole deal. The other two girls always order it in the Cape. It’s their go to.  

We then spent the time explaining  how to open it. What meat to eat. Where to get the meat. How to crack the areas to pull out the meat and then...lots of laughs and fun.  

Then the bus boy comes up to us. 

He’s like you ladies did a great job. But you’re missing one part of the lobster to get the meat from. 

He now had our attention...

He grabs the shell of the tail. Pulls off the end flaps and squeezes out the meat from the telcons- the little flaps on the end of the tail. We are all in shock. We had no idea. Now the amount of meat you get isn’t much. It’s like the legs of the lobster. But so fun to eat. 

I had to take a video and send it to my mom. The lady who eats whole lobster straight out of the fridge for breakfast had no idea that she was missing some meat. But all jokes aside how many of you knew this?

Feel Good Song: What A Feeling

20 years ago this song came on. We were in our college dorm room. She sang “what a feeling” and somehow fell off the top bunk on to the floor. She didn’t get hurt, luckily, but last night when this song came on after dinner in the car, it sure brought back a ton of memories and even more laughs. 

Saturday Motivation: Things, People, Path

What’s worth it to you? Those things, people, path is what you need to put your work into. Your goals. Your love and energy. 

You need to focus your whole self into the things, people, path that mean the most to you. That make you so happy that you wouldn’t put your energy into
anything else. 

Master The Art To Remain Calm

It’s an everyday job. To process. To not let people get the best of you. Try to remain calm and enjoy the  moments that bring your soul peace. 

Can Your 6-Pack Do This...

No 6-pack here but three babies did come out of here so that’s pretty damn impressive. 

Love your body. Your imperfections. Your uniqueness. Anyone who truly loves you will look beyond your flaws. They will see it as the character that builds you and makes you the special person that you are!

This Is A Good Life...

I am at my happy place....and the moments we share just make it even better. 

Even if it’s just once a year, it’s still enough to make my soul happy.