Wednesday, August 14, 2019

CT Festivals Schedule 2019

I love festivals and carnivals and rides, games. The whole atmosphere just brings me to life. It’s that time of year where every weekend there’s something to do. Check out this awesome list:

Connecticut Fairs 

Say Hello To Your Future Self

We evolve so much. It’s amazing how many phases of life we go through. Who we are and become. What we need. What we are. It’s like living multiple lifetimes in one. 

You never stay completely the same. Hopefully you grow wiser and calmer. Sweeter and happier. Grateful and knowledgeable. You start to appreciate the little things. Materialistic things no longer matter. Who you spend your time with matters. 

I can’t wait to meet my future self and yours. 

Thanks For Making Me Smile

It’s a good quality. To be able to make someone smile, especially when you’re not even trying. When it just comes naturally. We all have bad days. It helps when you can distract yourself. Glad when I can help someone smile. Even if it means distracting them for a moment. Knowing someone is there to help always makes things easier. 

Look How Strong You Are!

I am proud of YOU. You need to be proud of YOU too!

5 But How...

She turns 5. Today. Where did the time go. She snuck into my life. I just had treatments and wasn’t suppose to get pregnant. Then before you know it I am 10 weeks getting an ultrasound and there she was. 

She’s totally different than my other girls. She’s super silly. Crazy smart. Blue and green eyes that change. She shocks me all the time. A total goof ball but can drive me crazy. Too independent yet sensitive. A total prankster. 

She sings a song “my momma is the best momma oh my momma is the best momma”. It makes me laugh. She talks so much with is crazy for a Leo. 

But she came into my life when I needed her and made me smile when I didn’t have it in me. I cuddled with her every night in bed for the first four months of her life and I didn’t care. She always gives you a hundred kisses before leaving. “Wait mom one more kiss” 

All the rules go out of the window with this one and that’s ok. We all need some spunk and love in our life. 

You Have To Be Happy!

Whatever decision you make in life you have to make sure it makes you Happy. 

Who’s Holding You Accountable?

Be grateful for that person who calls you out. Wants you to do and be better. Wants you to be responsible and take care of yourself. That person is the one who will help you be a better person.