Friday, August 16, 2019

Always Follow Your Intuition

I kept getting this weird feeling. When something is off but you can’t figure out why. Then it happened. I looked it up online and found what I was getting a weird feeling about. I was shocked but then I thanked the universe because the signs were all there and it took me seconds to see it. 

Always follow your gut and intuition. If something is off means it is. What you do with the information is now up to you!

Feel Good Song: Nobody Knows

“Nobody knows how’s the story the day and do what you can”

Love Yourself...And Someone Else Too!

Always love yourself. Don’t forget who you are and what you need. We become adapted to a routine. To making ourselves happy. In fear that if we let someone else in we won’t have ourselves anymore. 

What we have to realize is that the right person won’t want us to give up ourselves for them. They will just be an added addition. They will make up for a piece of us that is missing. It’s ok to take that risk. 

Have You Laughed Today?

The best people in life are the ones that make you laugh even when you don’t want to or when you’re mad or trying to be serious. I have a friend like that. It’s really cool. I didn’t get a chance to have him make me laugh today but normally he does daily. 

It’s people like that who help life be fun. Have you laughed today?

Stop Over Thinking

You’re standing in your own way! Your thoughts. Your what ifs. Your insecurities. 

I had to think about it. What bothered me this week? My own overthinking. Imagine that? Because I actually had an awesome week. Socially. Work has been so busy. My kids have been super happy. So what has been bothering me?  My overthinking. 

So silly! I know.  

Mom of the 90’s....Guilty Pleasures...

Actually one of my favorite songs. And I bet I would see you all on the dance floor too when this comes on.  

What’s Keeping You From Being Happy? I accept the Challenge.

Try it...try being happy for 7 days. Let go of any issues or anger or problems holding you back. A lot of times you will realize that another person or situation causes your unhappiness. That a lot of times it has nothing to do with you but it gets reflected on to you or another person’s words cause unhappiness. That’s YOU allow this to happen. 

I challenge you to this. Let’s start the 7-day challenge. Let’s then see what stands in the way of your happiness. 

Ready...Set...Go Be Happy! 

Maybe We Are Meant To Save Them

Maybe just maybe we aren’t meant to be saved after all. Maybe we are meant to save others. To help them see the light. Love. Happiness. In the littlest things in life. Maybe just maybe you meet someone to save them not have them save you. ❤️

Happy Friday

Love this!’s Friday 

Silence...Says A lot Too

You don’t always need to hear words to feel them.